Health Insurance Accreditation

Overview of contributions from health insurance companies

for an overview of health insurance companies in 2024

Thanks to membership in the Swiss Dance Association, Swica covers up to CHF 900 per year for dance classes.
Participants are responsible for requesting a receipt from us. There is no guarantee that insurance companies will cover any amount.


Qualicert recognizes course instructors who can demonstrate that they have a solid education. Through ongoing recertifications, we demonstrate that we want to continue to develop and constantly improve. All courses by Sara Marin are Qualicert certified.

Swiss Dance Association

The Swiss Dance Association admits dance schools as members that shine through transparent corporate structures, regulated responsibilities of management, and continuity. We are pleased to be a part of it.

daCi Switzerland

As a member of daCi Switzerland, we actively advocate for the development and promotion of children’s and youth dance in Switzerland and internationally.